Caribou (in rehab)

I chose this name in particular. Caribou and a moose are similar. They're not quite the same. Moose resides near to him in residency. Moose like a Moose is dark in color and bigger. Caribou are small like this boy despite having greyhound in Moose but not quite the same. He also has a white line down his neck like a Caribou. Caribou also change their eyes from golden in the summer to blue in the winter to be able to see bettering the dark, their predators. Thing is for Caribou he will never have any predators again. Never. No one will ever hunt him down for what he knows to be his safety, what he consider captivity and least of all will he ever feel the hand of wrath again. His eyes and his heart one day will glow....glow in the warmth of love. And no matter how long it takes to convince him, love won't fail. Caribou...Cari for short also in Spanish is a word for endearment to a loved one. Meaning honey. Darling. Sweetheart. And i couldn't think of anything better to christen a boy a name who needs to learn that all he is, and will be, is as sweet as honey. He could be a sweetheart to me, his Lifeline Parent when he may be lucky to find one, and to all who love him from afar through my arms and words amd actions. Someone will be his darling and in that he will never meed antlers to fend them off because he will be loved forever more. Update: 05/11/2022: Caribou is tackling the big outdoors today. He's being so brave. Life has been so hard on him ..his trauma is massive. He can not handle space. Humans. But....he comes to his name to his bay and on his bed. Lesson 1...head up. 2 name and come. 3 on your bed ...the beginning of change. Caribou negative leishmania, erlichea filaria, anaplasma and babesia....Caribou came to us may 2022. Date of birth in his passport 24/06/2020